Stories Fables Ghostly Tales PodcastStorytelling Podcast of horror, folklore, true crime and stories from around the world!
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699: Let’s Not Meet Stories | Two Real Accounts – Sex Dungeon and The Best Friend

Let’s Not Meet – Four True Horror Accounts
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Welcome Listeners! ☕
This episode is a continuation of the Let’s Not Meet series of stories, and I have two final accounts for your brilliant ears. Let me just say there’s sex dungeons…violence, and animal abuse, so this is not safe for little ears –so shuffle them off to another room please, to keep them younglings safe.
Before I start I want to thank both of today’s authors for allowing me to share their stories, it takes a lot of courage, and a lot of trust to share these tales, and I genuinely hope this provides some sort of relief – as the more I do these episodes, the more messages I receive from both the audience and authors, of how beneficial these accounts are, and how it helps people process these kinds of situations.
Now turn the lights off, the sound up…and listen to some truly strange and scary accounts.
Let’s Not Meet Original Stories:
The Ballad of Sex-Dungeon Dan…. by Ham_FX
My Best Friend Tried to Kill me after a Year of living with me by Teige874
⚡⚡The Oud Night Tea Titans
#1: Mayah 🐲🐲
💪 #1: Lee Bower 💪
🧨#2: Paige Cramer 🧨
☕ My Earl Grey Supporters ☕
Chad Warren
Peter Raffaelli
Tasha Moncrief
Dolphin N Cow
Michael Angelo Yacone
Teatimedrinker 1
Divided by Zero
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All Radio episodes, or public domain content are in the Public Domain and freely used unless notified otherwise.
CC BY-SA 4.0
All stories Public Domain, are either Creative Commons, and/or the author has provided direct approval to narrate their story.
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